Speed grads return to campus to pitch in on construction projects

August 8, 2017

This summer has been a bit of a homecoming for several graduates of the UofL Speed School of Engineering. They work for companies involved in the four major construction projects taking place on UofL campuses.

Jacob Brown is a UofL graduate and senior project manager for Whittenberg construction company. He’s helping direct the work on the expansion and renovation of the Student Activities Center.

“It’s an awesome opportunity to come back here and kind of relive and remember the memories of walking through campus and actually doing something for the university” Brown said. “It gives you a good sense of pride.”   

Henderson Services, led by Chair/CEO Bruce Henderson, is working on the Pediatrics Building and the Football Stadium expansion. 

"I think we all, including myself, take that added sense of pride when we do something as a UofL alum, specifically when it's a UofL facility," said Henderson, a 1973 graduate of the Speed School.


Check out more of their story below: