Spend 3 minutes with Grawemeyer winners
Spend three minutes with each of the 2014 Grawemeyer Award winners, who were on campus last week at accept their awards: April 21, 20142014 Grawemeyer Award Winner for Education http://youtu.be/JcNycMn0iC4
Addressing the needs of children who live in poverty will do far more to improve public education that criticizing teachers, says Diane Ravitch, recipient of the 2014 University of Louisville Grawemeyer Award in Education.
2014 Grawemeyer Award Winner for World Order http://youtu.be/gLJr4gq_-2Q
Developing nations working on active nuclear weapons programs often fall short of reaching that goal, says Jacques Hymans, recipient of the 2014 University of Louisville Grawemeyer Award for Ideas in Improving World Order.
2014 Grawemeyer Award Winner for Religion http://youtu.be/5WoZHUA3TDE
How does God become so real to people that they pour a cup of coffee for him? 2014 Louisville Grawemeyer Award recipient Tanya Luhrmann explains.
2014 Grawemeyer Award Winner for Psychology http://youtu.be/pn9h66mAZYM
Emotions, not just logic, play an important role in the way we make decisions, says Antonio Damasio, recipient of the 2014 University of Louisville Grawemeyer Award for Psychology.
2014 Grawemeyer Award Winner for Music http://youtu.be/DuObw6kIp4o
Music has the power to make our lives better, says Djuro Zivkovic, recipient of the 2014 University of Louisville Grawemeyer Award for Music Composition.