St. Baldrick’s event raises nearly $13,000 for pediatric cancer research

Razors were abuzz at the Health Sciences Center Auditorium Feb. 13 for thirteen medical students. February 14, 2014

The students, participating in the third annual St. Baldrick’s event, had their heads shaved and ponytails cut to raise money and show support for pediatric cancer research.

At the event, the students raised more than $12,000. Donations are still being accepted online at

The donated hair will be used to make wigs for children who have lost their hair due to cancer treatment.

The event is organized nationally each year by the St. Baldrick’s Foundation, founded by three reinsurance industry executives, Tim Kenny, John Bender and Enda McDonnell, in New York. The first St. Baldrick’s event in a Manhattan pub was timed with St. Patrick’s Day 2000 and generated $104,000 in donations.

Today, St. Baldrick’s is believed to be the largest volunteer fundraiser for childhood cancer research and second only to the federal government in the amount of funding provided to pediatric cancer researchers. Since 2005, St. Baldrick’s donors and volunteers have enabled the foundation to provide more than $127 million to grant recipients.