State poet laureate among writers visiting through literary series

Kentucky Poet Laureate Frank X Walker is among well-known writers sharing their work and teaching master classes at UofL this spring in a series that concludes with a faculty reading by UofL creative writing professor and author Paul Griner. January 21, 2015

The English department’s creative writing program brings in distinguished writers through the Anne and William Axton Reading Series of free literary events. The readings and master classes are open to the public. Here’s the spring schedule of Axton events on Belknap Campus.

Feb. 12-13 – Sayed Kashua, novelist, journalist, screenwriter and University of Illinois visiting teacher, will speak at 3 p.m. Feb. 12 in Chao Auditorium, Ekstrom Library, in an event co-sponsored by UofL’s Jewish studies program. His talk is “The Foreign Mother Tongue: Living and Writing as a Palestinian in Israel.” Besides his three novels and a regular newspaper column, Kashua is known for the popular television series “Arab Labor.” He also will lead a two-hour master class at 10 a.m. Feb. 13 in Room 300, Bingham Humanities Building.

Feb. 19-20 – Frank X Walker, 2013-14 poet laureate, Affrilachian Poets co-founder and University of Kentucky professor, will read from his work at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 19 in Bingham Poetry Room, Ekstrom Library, and lead a 10 a.m. master class Feb. 20 in Room 300, Bingham Humanities Building. His poetry collections include “Buffalo Dance: The Journey of York” and “Turn Me Loose: The Unghosting of Medgar Evers,” 2014 NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Poetry winner.

March 26-27 – Michelle Latiolais, University of California-Irvine English professor and writing program co-director, will read at 7:30 p.m. March 26 in Bingham Poetry Room, Ekstrom Library, and lead a two-hour master class at 10 a.m. March 27 in Room 300, Bingham Humanities Building. She wrote the short-story collection “Widow” and novels “A Proper Knowledge” and “Even Now,” which won the Commonwealth Club of California’s Gold Medal for Fiction.

April 2 – Paul Griner, UofL English professor, novelist and short-story author, will read from his work at 7:30 p.m. April 2 in Bingham Poetry Room, Ekstrom Library. The former Fulbright scholar wrote the story collection “Follow Me” and novels “Second Life,” “Collectors” and “The German Woman,” as well as the collection “Hurry Please, I Want to Know,” due in June.