Talk will focus on drones in logistics

Unmanned aerial vehicles, or drones, once were exclusively for military purposes. Today, a hobbyist can buy one at the local mall. November 11, 2014

The increasing accessibility of drones has the commercial sector looking to capitalize and companies such as Inc. are exploring their use for small parcel delivery.

Chase Murray, an assistant professor of industrial and systems engineering at Auburn University, does research on problems encountered by industry and the military. His studies have included looking at the capabilities of unmanned aerial vehicles in logistics and surveillance.

Murray will give a 1 p.m. talk Thursday, Nov. 20, at the Chao Auditorium in the University of Louisville’s Ekstrom Library. The talk, “Drones in Logistics: From the Battlefield to Your Front Door,” is free and open to the public.

Parking is available at the Speed Art Museum garage or in the lot at Fourth Street and Cardinal Boulevard near Kurz Hall.

Murray’s lecture will explore the state-of-the-art in drone technology and will focus on the operational challenges and opportunities associated with incorporating them into logistics systems. He also will discuss ongoing projects in Auburn’s Unmanned Systems Lab.

The lecture is sponsored by UofL’s Logistics and Distribution Institute. LoDI is a multi-disciplinary research center dedicated to improving the practice of logistics.

For more information, go to the LoDI website.