TARC comes to Belknap to announce improved Fourth Street service

UofL students, staff and faculty who ride TARC buses on Fourth Street will notice improved service. August 27, 2012

TARC announced the changes Aug. 27 at a press conference on Belknap Campus. The Fourth Street route runs from Iroquois Park and Market Street downtown. Now weekdays between 6 a.m. and 9 p.m., buses arrive every 10 minutes north of Central Avenue and every 20 minutes south of Central.

Provost Shirley Willihnganz and SGA Vice President Sirena Wurth joined TARC for the announcement.

UofL and TARC formed a partnership 10 years ago that allows students, faculty and staff to ride fare-free by showing their UofL photo ID when they board a TARC bus.

Since then, the UofL community has logged more than 10 million TARC trips—more than a million trips a year, Willihnganz said.

“Our partnership means transportation does not have to be a barrier to education or what life has to offer in Louisville,” she said.

“Students are grateful for the sustainable option,” Wurth said. “TARC really makes it easy for students to get around Louisville – especially basketball games downtown and the health sciences campus.”