Teacher institute focuses on AP classes

Nearly 200 high school teachers convened June 16-20 on the Belknap Campus as part of the University of Louisville Advanced Placement Summer Institute. June 20, 2014

UofL is one of 52 locations across the U.S. that host a College Board-certified institute to train teachers in the latest methods, topics and strategies for teaching Advanced Placement (AP) classes.

The institute was launched in 2010 after Jeanne Guerrero, who directs the program for the Office of Admissions, wrote a proposal requesting College Board certification.  The only other Kentucky-based programs are at Western Kentucky and Morehead State universities.

Guerrero said 16 workshop sessions were offered at this year’s institute in subjects such as English composition, computer science, U.S. history, calculus and chemistry. The sessions were led by experienced, certified instructors and held in the university’s College of Education and Human Development and nearby dupont Manual High School.

About one-third of the nation’s public high school students took an AP exam in 2013, according to data released by the College Board. That percentage has grown substantially during the last decade as schools boost AP class offerings in an effort to improve college readiness.

We are so proud this initiative has experienced such momentum over the past few years,” said Guerrero. “Much of this continued success is due to our strong partnerships with Jefferson County Public Schools, the Ohio Valley Educational Cooperative and Advance Kentucky.

Guerrero said students who take and score well on AP exams typically have greater academic success in college and, thus, are more likely to complete their degree.

A second 2014 UofL Advanced Placement Summer Institute session will be July 21-25.