Theatre arts announces upcoming plays

Shakespeare’s last work, mythical and historical dramas and a classic comedy are among the plays the University of Louisville’s Department of Theatre Arts will perform in its upcoming season. August 1, 2013

All shows will be at the Thrust Theatre, 2314 S. Floyd St., unless otherwise noted. The 2013 ‒ 2014 season shows will be:

  • “The Tempest,” William Shakespeare’s final play is about a shipwreck on a nearly deserted island where fools and kings learn to temper revenge with mercy and forgiveness, Sept. 25 ‒ 29, Rinda Frye directing
  • “Monsieur Baptiste, the Con Man,” Roger Furman’s adaption of Jean Baptiste Moliere’s comedy “Tartuffe” is about a con man’s pursuit of wealth and fortune as he infiltrates a wealthy household, Nov. 20 ‒ 24, The Playhouse, 1911 S. Third St., Lundeana Thomas directing
  • “Dead Man Walking,” a drama by Tim Robbins, gives audiences an eyewitness account of the death penalty as seen through the eyes of Sister Helen Prejean, a Catholic nun who became an advocate for abolition of the death penalty and was spiritual adviser for a convicted rapist and murderer, Jan. 29 ‒ Feb. 2, Russell Vandenbroucke directing
  • “Sylvia,” a fast-paced comedy by A.R. Gurney, is about a husband who brings home a dog (played by an actor) who becomes the man’s best friend, much to the dismay of his wife, Feb. 26 ‒ March 2, Daniel R. Hill directing
  • “Gem of the Ocean,” by August Wilson, tells the story of Aunt Ester, a 285-year-old matriarch who welcomes a former slave, a former criminal and others into her home as she guides them through a spiritual awakening, April 9 ‒ 13, The Playhouse, director to be determined

UofL’s African American Theatre Program is celebrating its 20-year anniversary and will produce “Monsieur Baptiste, the Con Man” and “Gem of the Ocean.”

All plays begin at 8 p.m. with additional 3 p.m. Saturday or Sunday matinees. Season tickets are $65 for the general public, $50 for UofL students, employees and people age 65 and older. Single-show tickets also are available. For details, call 502-852-6814 or go to Theatre Arts.