‘Think Again’ program re-introduces arts, sciences offerings

(Editor's Note: "Think Again" has been canceled, but the free talk by alumnus Jelly Helm will take place. Helm will speak from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Cressman Center. Information on his talk is at the end of this article.) October 7, 2013

A glass-blowing demonstration, theater performance and talks will help reacquaint alumni and the public with the College of Arts and Sciences Oct. 19 at the Cressman Center for Visual Arts, 100 E. Main St.

“Think Again: A Day with Arts and Sciences” will run from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. A light breakfast and box lunch are included in the registration fee of $25 each or $40 for two; register online, call 502-852-6490 or email asalum@louisville.edu.

A closing talk by alumnus David “Jelly” Helm, whose advertising clients have included Nike and Starbucks, is free, but seating is limited and registration is recommended.

Here are program highlights:

  • Students will perform excerpts from Shakespeare’s “The Tempest” and English professor Julia Dietrich will lead a post-performance discussion. “The Tempest,” under the direction of theatre arts chair Rinda Frye, was the first play of the 2013 ‒ 14 theatre arts season.
  • Members of the glass-blowing program will give a demonstration in the center’s hot-shop. Renowned artist Ché Rhodes leads that program.
  • Biologist Lee Dugatkin will talk about his book “Mr. Jefferson and the Giant Moose.” The book tells how Thomas Jefferson tried to disprove a European naturalist’s claim that New World flora and fauna—humans included—were inferior to those of Europe.
  • Helm, a 1987 fine arts graduate, will talk about purpose in a talk titled, “The Hero’s Journey: A Blueprint for Personal, Professional and Cultural Evolution.”

“Purpose is at the center of my work,” Helm said. “I help my clients powerfully express and achieve their purpose. (Joseph) Campbell’s model of the hero’s journey remains the clearest and most powerful map for the quest to achieve purpose. It informs my own personal work and how I work with clients.”

Helm, A&S alumni fellow, operates Studio Jelly in Portland, Ore. He is considered a leader in the field of ethical, responsible advertising and storytelling.