Trustees give go-ahead for university to seek partners for hospital

University of Louisville’s Board of Trustees gave the go-ahead Feb. 16 for the university to join with University Hospital in seeking partnerships that would benefit the hospital and UofL’s Health Sciences Center. February 17, 2012

The university will begin using a request for proposal process to seek possible candidates for hospital partnerships, said David Dunn, UofL’s executive vice president for health affairs. Dunn said the process “will be open to all comers” deemed to be a good fit for the institution’s “missions of education, research and clinical care.”

In other business, the board:

  • Heard a summary report from President James Ramsey about his Feb. 2 testimony before the Kentucky House Subcommittee on Postsecondary Education in which he discussed the university’s funding needs and challenges.
  • Approved changes to the School of Dentistry bylaws. The changes update and clarify areas such as the definition of academic progress, responsibilities of faculty and staff and the mission of the school.
  • Authorized the refunding of certain bonds to take advantage of lower interest rates and reduce the university’s debt service costs. Annual savings for the change are expected to be about $400,000.

    The next trustees meeting is scheduled for March 1.