Trustees hear update on potential hospital partnership

The University of Louisville Board of Trustees held a special meeting Aug. 30 to hear an update on the university’s search for a business partner for UofL and University Medical Center (UMC). August 30, 2012

Most of the meeting was held in executive session and the trustees took no action, according to chair Frank Minnifield. David L. Dunn, executive vice president for health affairs, told reporters after the meeting that he and President James Ramsey updated the trustees on the request for proposal (RFP) process regarding UMC and UofL. The university and University Hospital are in negotiations with more than one company. He would not divulge the names of the companies citing Kentucky’s confidentiality rules regarding the RFP process. The RFP calls for University Hospital to retain control of all women’s health services while ensuring a statewide network for UofL physicians and other providers.

The target date for a decision is Sept. 28, but Dunn said the date could be pushed back depending on the progress of negotiations. He hopes to have a partnership in place by the end of the year.

The board’s nominating committee also met and recommended a slate of officers for 2012–2013. The primary officers would remain the same: Frank Minnifield, chair; Robert Hughes, vice chair; Debbie Scoppechio, treasurer; and William Selvidge, secretary. The committee will forward the recommendations to the full board for approval at its next meeting.