NULL March 15, 2001LOUISVILLE, Ky. - Leadership lessons found in the life and writings of a man who may have saved Western civilization in World War II will be the focus of a two-day conference March 29-30 at the University of Louisville.
"Winston Churchill: Statesman of the Century?" commemorates the 100th anniversary of Churchill first taking a seat in Parliament. U of L's McConnell Center for Political Leadership is sponsoring the conference in cooperation with the Churchill Center and the Intercollegiate Studies Institute.
The program features three Churchill scholars. They are Stephen F. Hayward, senior fellow at the Pacific Research Institute for Public Policy in San Francisco, who wrote "Churchill on Leadership: Executive Success in the Face of Adversity;" John Lukacs, a former history teacher at Chestnut Hill College in Philadelphia who wrote "Five Days in London, May 1940;" and James W. Muller, a political science professor at the University of Alaska and winner of the 1995 Farrow Award for Excellence in Churchill Studies.
The conference schedule will include lectures and seminars, a panel discussion, a book signing, a reception and two luncheons. The lectures and seminars are free; cost of the total conference package with luncheons and special events is $40 for adults and $25 for students. Tickets also can be purchased separately for each event.
Founded in 1991, the non-partisan McConnell Center attracts students from throughout the state and grooms them for effective leadership. The center offers lectures and seminars designed to introduce students to top political and government leaders from a wide variety of backgrounds.
For more details on the conference or to register, send e-mail to or call Gary Gregg or Wanda Adams Taylor at the McConnell Center, (502) 852-3323. More information is available on the McConnell Center web page,