NULL July 27, 2001LOUISVILLE, Ky. -- Mordean Taylor-Archer, associate provost for diversity and dual career development at Kansas State University, has been appointed vice provost for diversity and equal opportunity at the University of Louisville. The appointment is effective Aug. 15.
In her new position, Taylor-Archer will provide leadership for diversity initiatives throughout the university. She will oversee the minority affairs office and Multicultural Center, work with academic programs to increase diversity of students, faculty and staff, and collaborate on projects affecting minorities in Louisville and throughout the state. Other responsibilities will include working with students, developing policies and procedures to improve the university's diversity efforts, and representing the university on related issues with government agencies.
"Dr. Taylor-Archer brings outstanding experience building partnerships and programs that promote diversity in higher education," said U of L Provost Carol Garrison. "Her work collaborating with students, faculty, staff and community members makes her ideally suited to this new position, which was created to strengthen our emphasis on diversity."
"I was impressed with the administrative commitment to support diversity I found at the University of Louisville," Taylor-Archer said. "My goal is to work with the various segments of the university to make U of L a model in terms of its role as a diverse metropolitan research institution. There is a real opportunity to continue to strengthen ties to the communities of color in Louisville."
At Kansas State, Taylor-Archer focuses on recruitment and retention of faculty, staff and students of color; represents the university with internal and external constituents; and oversees multicultural student organizations and diversity programming. She also served as assistant provost for multicultural affairs at Kansas State and assistant dean and assistant director of student affairs for the School of Social Work at Virginia Commonwealth University.
In addition, she has taught social work courses at the University of Arkansas, Boston College, Virginia Commonwealth and Kansas State and will serve as an adjunct member of the social work faculty at U of L.
Taylor-Archer holds a doctoral degree in social policy, planning and administration from Brandeis University.