Understanding past, preparing for the future is theme of conference
Speakers and participants at UofL’s Dr. Joseph McMillan National Conference on the Black Family in America will examine the impact of past struggles for racial equality on today’s African Americans. February 12, 2013Most activities and sessions for the March 7–10 event, “Family Reunion: Bridging the Past with the Present,” will be at the Seelbach Hilton Hotel, 500 Fourth St., except for a March 9 Youth Summit at the Red Barn, Belknap Campus.
The conference, now in its 40th year, is named in honor of its founder, a UofL professor and administrator who died in 2010.
Topics will include education, health and spiritual well-being and a discussion of social issues such as youth violence, said Lundeana Thomas, a UofL theater arts professor and one of the conference organizers.
Keynote speakers are:
- Steve Birdine, president and chief executive officer of Affirmation In Action and author of “A Common Sense Approach To Retaining Students of Color.”
- Hill Harper, an actor, author and activist known for his portrayal of Sheldon Hawkes in the CBS drama “CSI: NY” and as a Harvard University roommate to President Barack Obama. He is the author of four books; the most recent was the 2011 book “The Wealth Cure: Putting Money in Its Place.”
- Roland Martin, journalist, syndicated columnist and author of “Speak, Brother! A Black Man’s View of America.”
Registration is required for all conference events. Rates for the full conference are $250 before Feb. 15, $275 before March 6, and $300 on March 7. Attendees can register for the entire conference or for selected components. Vendors, exhibitors and presenters have until Feb. 22 to participate.