UofL Day at Kentucky Kingdom is July 19

Celebrate summer with UofL friends, family and fans at Kentucky Kingdom July 19. July 10, 2014

Tickets for the UofL event are $40 per person over age 3 and include lunch. Season ticket holders may purchase lunch for $12. Tickets are open to UofL alumni, employees, students and fans and can be purchased online or by calling 502-852-6962.

UofL attendees will receive a buffet lunch from 11:30-1 p.m. in the park’s picnic shelter.

The picnic will include a fan fest with appearances by UofL coaches, student athletes and Louie the Cardinal Bird.

UofL giveaways available upon arrival to the park and during the picnic.

Kentucky Kingdom, which reopened earlier this year, features seven all-new rides and Hurricane Bay, which doubled from its previous size. The theme park is open 11 a.m.- 9 p.m. and Hurricane Bay from 11 a.m.- 7 p.m.

The event is sponsored by the UofL Alumni Association and Bodyshapes Medical.

For more information about UofL Day at Kentucky Kingdom, contact Jonathan Israel at 502-852-6910.