UofL Faculty Senate, May 2016 meeting
May 16, 2016The Faculty Senate met May 4, 2016, in Chao Auditorium, with Chair Pamela Feldhoff presiding.
New members were welcomed and officer ballots were distributed for elections. Nominations were taken from the floor, as well.
Action Item:
Senators approved minutes from the April 6, 2016 meeting, after one clarification was discussed.
Staff Senate Report: The Staff Senate is soliciting nominations for officers, with elections scheduled for the June meeting. Senate leaders sat in the Provost’s Budget Advisory meeting, sharing the governing body’s No. 1 priority: raises over equity. Two rumors were discussed: HSC parking may be outsourced; and there is anxiety over potential job loss due to the current job-loss environment at some of the state’s community colleges.
Student Government Association Report: Meredith Cooksey, incoming Student Body Academic Vice President, introduced herself.
Action Items:
Academic Programs: A new undergraduate degree in sustainability (BA in sustainability) was discussed. The program will leverage current capabilities within A&S and will include three tracks: sustainable urban affairs; urban policy and government; and sustainable societies. At least five students are expected in the first cohort and, within four years, the program is expected to reach about 25 students.
A&S representatives said there has been a latent demand for this type of program. There are 341 universities in the U.S. offering something at the B.A. level with sustainability as a focus, however no other schools in Kentucky currently offer such a program. A vote for the program passed unanimously. More information is available online.
Redbook: A&S’ policy change regarding faculty with administrative appointments within the school’s departments underwent a first reading. A clarification was requested on the language regarding annual reviews, specifically faculty with administrative responsibilities vs. administrator which are approved by the Board of Trustees.
Faculty Senate Poll: Senator Enid Trucios-Haynes reported results from the Faculty Senate Poll regarding UofL President Ramsey’s leadership. The question was posed via a confidential/anonymous third-party website thusly:
“Do you have confidence in President Ramsey’s ability to be an effective leader of the University?”
Trucios-Haynes said the faculty senate executive committee spent about a week constructing an appropriate question and process. The results of the poll were:
- Yes: 55 percent (33 responses)
- No: 40 percent (24 responses)
- Abstain: 5 percent (3 abstentions)
A brief discussion was held regarding the results. Chair Pamela Feldhoff said she has shared the results with President Ramsey.
Reports of Standing Committees:
Academic Programs: The proposal for the Center for Instructional & Behavioral Research is Schools is under review. More will be shared at June’s meeting.
CCD: Still tabulating ballots from its election
Redbook: Evaluating comments about a clarification in the CEHD document language
Part-time Faculty: Working on institutional research: In the fall of 2015, $19 million-plus in tuition was generated by part-time faculty
Planning and Budget: Susan Howarth met with the Faculty Senate Executive Committee in conjunction with FS P&B to present a budget and discussed priorities, including: salary raises and salary equity funding. Salary raises affect everyone, but equity funding does not, which is a consideration. Academic initiatives should also be funded, according to the committees. Additionally, the proposal for the CENTER FOR INSTRUCTIONAL & BEHAVIORAL RESEARCH IN SCHOOLS is under review.
Faculty Athletic Representative: The May report is available online
Chair’s Report: The Chair reminded Senate committees to start thinking about their annual reports and goals for the coming year. She also praised the passage of HB 15 in April, which allows representatives of the faculty, staff and student body to vote on the position of chairman of the Board of Trustees
New Business: New business was discussed regarding some endowments being under-water and the impact on budgets in certain units. The Faculty Senate leadership will look into this matter.
Election Results: To conclude the meeting, election results were read and include:
Chair: Enid Trucios-Haynes, Brandeis School of Law
Vice Chair: Krista Wallace-Boaz, School of Music
Executive Committee: Robert Barker (Business), Carried Donald (Arts & Science), David Simpson (A&S)
Academic Programs Committee: Beth Bradley (A&S), Patrick Hardesty (College of Education and Human Development), Gerald Larson (Medicine), JoAnn Sweeny (Law)
Committee on Committees and Credentials: Ben Foster (Business), Ron Sahoo (A&S), Michael Tseng (Medicine)
Part-Time Faculty Committee: Valerie McCarthy (Nursing), Robert C. Myers (Business)
Planning and Budget Committee: Monica Delano (CEHD), David Owen (A&S)
The Redbook Committee: Mary Makris (A&S)
Parking Advisory Committee: Ricardo Caicedo (Dentistry)
Parking Appeals Committee: J.P. Mohsen (Speed) and Wil Hilyerd (Law) for Belknap; Lee Mayer (Dentistry) for HSC
Staff Senate Representative: Robert Staat (Dentistry)
Student Conduct Hearing Board: Carrie Donald (A&S), Heather Owens (Nursing)
Student Government Representative: Patrick Hardesty (CEHD)
The next Faculty Senate meeting is June 1, from 3-5 p.m. in the Dental School Room 127 on the HSC campus.