UofL holiday fire safety tips

Before leaving on holiday vacation please observe the following fire safety tips: December 12, 2014
  • Please do not decorate more than 25% of doors and walls with combustible items to reduce the overall fire load
  • Avoid wrapping stair banisters with electric lights or decorations that may hamper gaining a firm grip on hand rails and/or create shock hazards
  • Do not decorate main exit doors, ceilings along hallways, sprinkler heads or pipes, fire extinguishers, or other safety equipment
  • Cut Christmas trees and hay bales are prohibited for use inside university buildings
  • Use only electrical equipment including extension cords and Christmas tree lights,  that bears Underwriters Laboratory (UL) approval tags or other recognized test laboratory designation
  • Electrical powered equipment including space heaters, decorations, coffee pots, battery chargers, desk lamps, and other non-essential energy consuming appliances should be unplugged
  • Dismantle holiday decorations
  • Unblock exit paths in rooms and along hallways 
  • Lower room thermostats settings to 55◦F

For questions or comments, please contact Dwain Archer at (502) 852-3473. Visit our website: www.louisville.edu /firesafety