UofL to host Partnership for a Green City’s Urban Tree Symposium

April 5, 2017

LOUISVILLE, Ky. – The University of Louisville will be the site for the Partnership for a Green City’s 2017 Urban Tree Symposium April 15, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.

The event will be held in Ernst Hall, 216 Eastern Pkwy.

“We are bringing people together to learn about trees in Kentuckiana and inform us of actions we can take to ensure our trees thrive for years to come,” said Brent Fryrear, director of the partnership. “Bring your tree questions and creative energy!”

The 8:30 a.m. keynote speaker will be Jill Jonnes, author of “Urban Forests: A Natural History of Trees and People in the American Cityscape.” At 9:50 a.m., the Kentucky Division of Forestry will present Louisville Metro Government with the Tree City USA Award for the 17th year.

Other speakers include Nicole Ward Gauthier and Bill Fountain of the University of Kentucky, Joe Boggs of The Ohio State University and Tom Kimmerer, author of “Venerable Trees: History, Biology, and Conservation in the Bluegrass.” In addition, arborists Chris O’Bryan and Cory Petry of Limbwalker tree service will discuss green careers and give a tree pruning demonstration.

Partnership for a Green City is a collaboration of UofL, Louisville Metro Government, Jefferson County Public Schools and Jefferson Community & Technical College. TreesLouisville, Louisville Grows and the Louisville Metro Division of Forestry are also organizing the symposium.

Ticket are available on Eventbrite and cover lunch and some expenses of the event. Scholarships and student pricing are available.

For more information, contact Fryrear, 502-852-8854, or click here.
