UofL named one of the safest large universities in the country
November 17, 2016College Choice recently ranked UofL the 20th safest large university in the country. College Choice, an internet resource for prospective college students, based its ranking on data from the U.S. Department of Education, US News and World Report, and the National Center for Education Statistics.
The ranking has a comprehensive definition of student security, including student health and well-being. College Choice includes specific ratings for general safety, anti-discrimination, women’s safety, party scene and fire safety.
No other Kentucky college was mentioned in College Choice’s top 50 list, highlighting UofL’s unique and concerted effort to promote campus safety in this state through the CardSafe program. CardSafe is a multifaceted approach to addressing the safety needs of not only our students, but our faculty, staff, and visitors through the following programs:
1. The L Trail: This well-lit, patrolled route promotes safe travels from the middle of Belknap Campus to the Swain Student Activities Center, the Ville Grill, and to some of the affiliated residence halls. When you’re out walking, follow the white signs with the large red “L.” See the map for the L Trail route.
2. CardGuard: With this mobile app, you can instantly dial 911 or UofL Police, send a tip if you see a crime happening, or set a timer to alert your friends and police if you are late in arriving to a pre-determined destination.
3. UofL Alerts: All UofL students, faculty and staff should sign up for UofL Alerts, which will send you a text message in case of an emergency on campus. It’s also the fastest way to hear about snow days and other weather cancellations. (All members of the UofL family receive UofL Alerts emails, but you must sign up for the text service). You can add a second phone number or family members’ phones to the system or update your information online.
4. Campus Escort: When walking on campus during the evening hours, you should walk with another person and use well-lit, well-traveled routes like the L Trail. But that's not always possible. If you get stuck out late at night studying or working on campus and don't want to walk alone, request an escort. This service is provided for any member of the university community from dusk to dawn any day of the year. Escort Service boundaries on Belknap extend within the campus, to University Park Apartments and up to four blocks off campus. At the Health Sciences Center, escorts also are available to the parking lots or nearby vehicles. Call 502-852-6111.
5. Cardinal Safety App: This phone app offers tips on how to respond to emergencies ranging from an active shooter to an earthquake. It also offers tips on how to avoid becoming a victim and preventing thefts, as well as what steps to take if a crime occurs. This app also includes Belknap, HSC and Shelbyhurst campus maps and an auto-dialer to 911, the University Police and the campus escort service.
6. Green Dot: Sponsored by our PEACC Center, the Green Dot Bystander Campaign is our community response to violence. A Green Dot highlights a behavior, choice, or statement that makes it less likely that someone will experience sexual assault, partner violence, and stalking. More information about Green Dot is available online.
7. Campus Shuttle: Need to get from one side of campus to the other? The university operates a shuttle Monday-Friday from Papa John’s Cardinal Stadium to sites around Belknap Campus. The West Campus Shuttle connects the residence halls to the main campus Monday-Friday evenings. And the Health Sciences Campus shuttle circulates to many of the key buildings on and around HSC. Find more information here.
8. If You See Something, Say Something: Students, faculty and staff play a role in keeping our campus safe. UofL is part of the If You See Something, Say Something national campaign that encourages citizens to report suspicious objects or behaviors. If you see something suspicious, call UofL Police at 502-852-6111.
9. UofL Police: The UofL Police Department is a fully accredited force that serves UofL’s three campuses 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The department consists of about 45 sworn officers, 30 security guards, and a K-9 unit. (Look for Sampson, a black Labrador, training around campus.) ULPD patrols all UofL campuses on foot, bicycles and ATVs, as well as patrol vehicles. The university fire marshal also is part of ULPD. Find out more about ULPD, including updates on new initiatives and the latest crime reports, online.
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