UofL NETWORK talk features JCPS superintendent
Jefferson County Public Schools Superintendent Donna Hargens will speak April 17 during a University of Louisville luncheon discussion series on diversity and social justice issues. April 4, 2012Hargens will talk about her vision, priorities and plans for JCPS, the local system she has headed since last year. She previously was chief academic officer with North Carolina’s largest public school system, the Wake County Public School System in Raleigh, where she had worked since 1992.
UofL’s College of Arts and Sciences, through its Office for International, Diversity and Outreach Programs, sponsors the UofL NETWORK luncheon series. NETWORK is an acronym for New Energy to Work Out Racial Kinks.
The event will begin at noon in the Kentucky Center for African American Heritage, 1701 W. Muhammad Ali Blvd. Reservations are required by April 10 for the $10 luncheon event; seating, lunch and parking are not guaranteed for late registrations and walk-ins. Register online.