UofL NETWORK talk Oct. 16 examines diversity

A University of Louisville luncheon discussion Oct. 16 will focus on the importance of diversity in education and community, including solutions to racial divide. Reservations are due Oct. 8. October 1, 2014

Speakers will be the Rev. Kevin Cosby, Simmons College of Kentucky president and St. Stephen Church senior pastor, and David Jones Jr., Chrysalis Ventures chairman and Jefferson County Board of Education vice chair. WAVE-TV news anchor Dawne Gee will moderate.

The noon event will be at the Kentucky Center for African American Heritage, 1701 W. Muhammad Ali Blvd. Doors will open at 11:45 a.m.

UofL's College of Arts and Sciences, through its Office for International, Diversity and Engagement Programs, sponsors the UofL NETWORK luncheon series with Brown-Forman Corp. NETWORK is an acronym for New Energy to Work Out Racial Kinks. The program provides a forum for ongoing discussions of community issues with university faculty, business, civic and community leaders.

Reservations and advance payment are required by Oct. 8 for the $25 luncheon event by contacting Clest Lanier, 502-852-3042 or cvlani01@louisville.edu, or Marian Vasser, 502-852-2252 or mrvass01@louisville.edu.