UofL Owensboro nursing students turn in perfect scores on licensure exam
April 14, 2017The University of Louisville School of Nursing Owensboro Extension program achieved a 100-percent pass rate in 2016 for first-time takers of the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses, NCLEX-RN. The UofL traditional undergraduate nursing program in Louisville achieved a 93-percent pass rate.
State boards of nursing administer the standardized exam to determine whether a prelicensure nursing school graduate is prepared for entry-level practice as a registered nurse. The pass rate includes all graduates who took the NCLEX for the first time in 2016.
“We are thrilled that our program has achieved a perfect pass rate for 2016,” said Amy Higdon, MSN, RN, director of the UofL School of Nursing Owensboro Extension and assistant professor. “This is a huge accomplishment and would not have been possible without the hard work and determination from our students. Thank you to the dedicated faculty and staff who have worked endlessly to support our students and the program.”
The pass rates for UofL’s School of Nursing programs in Louisville and Owensboro are above the national average of 87.8 percent, according to the National Council of State Boards of Nursing.
“We have strong programs with faculty and students who work together to succeed," said Ruth Staten, PhD, APRN-CS-NP, UofL School of Nursing associate dean for undergraduate programs and associate professor. "The NCLEX pass rates are just one outcome that demonstrates the excellence that defines our BSN traditional programs. We are very proud of the faculty, staff, students and graduates that contribute to the well-being of the community."
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