UofL pediatric specialists help families with back-to-school preparation
University of Louisville School of Dentistry to offer free dental screenings July 29, 2011LOUISVILLE, Ky. – JCPS students head back-to-school August 15, and families are focusing more intently on back-to-school issues, many related to their children’s health and well-being.
For example, Kentucky law requires proof of a dental screening no later than January of the first year a child is enrolled in public school. The UofL School of Dentistry is helping families meet this requirement by offering free comprehensive dental screenings. Call the pediatric dental clinic at 502-852-5642 to schedule an appointment.
“Cavities in baby teeth hurt just as badly as cavities in permanent teeth, and are a major reason children miss school,” said Ann Greenwell, DMD, MSD, director, Pediatric Dental Residency Program. “Children don’t always have the vocabulary to explain what they are feeling.”
Immunization requirements for Kentucky students have been amended, adding or altering the types of some vaccines required for school and changing the vaccination schedule for others. Students may need to get a physical exam before school starts, depending on their age and extracurricular activities. And, while public schools don’t require eye exams after kindergarten, a back-to-school eye exam can identify vision problems that could keep a child from doing well in the classroom. A complete list of school health forms can be found on the Kentucky Department of Education.
University of Louisville pediatric specialists are available to comment on all of these topics as well as the following back-to-school subjects: