UofL prepared for a safe spring semester
January 8, 2021The University of Louisville's Spring 2021 semester kicks off Monday, January 11. We are looking forward to having our students back.
Students who feel unsafe attending in-person classes are encouraged to sign up for distance ed and remote courses. If online options will not allow a student to make progress toward their degree, faculty are asked to continue to accommodate students who request to take hybrid courses fully online. However, students should declare before the add/drop period has ended (Jan. 15) that they need to take a hybrid course fully online, so long as that course does not depend on in-person instruction (e.g. labs or clinicals).
Additional reminders and protocols you need to know to ensure a healthy and safe campus are below:
- Required testing is underway. All students, faculty and staff who are on campus (or plan to be on campus periodically) are required to get tested for COVID-19 between 4 and Jan. 15. To sign up for a test, for information about exemptions and other details, visit the Testing Program section of our COVID-19 website.
- Quarantine now if you are currently on campus or plan to be when classes start (Jan. 11). This includes refraining from non-essential trips to local businesses and restaurants and non-essential group gatherings and events.
- Get a flu shot. If you did not already get a flu shot in the fall, you must get one. If you received a flu shot with an off-campus provider, if you will not be coming to campus at all, or if you are seeking an exemption, complete this waiver form. If you completed this form in the fall, you do not need to complete it again.
- Wear a mask and practice physical distancing. If you are a new student with us, don’t forget to grab a free mask when you’re picking up for your university ID card or parking permit. Review our mask requirement and seven health and safety protocols here.
- Read the Spring 2021 Student Acknowledgement. By coming to campus this spring, you acknowledge that you are aware of UofL's health protocols and expectations, along with your individual responsibilities as outlined in the Spring 2021 Student Acknowledgement.
- Carefully review the Spring 2021 Information for Students webpage on the COVID-19 website. This is your central source for key academic calendar dates, attendance expectations, resources for learning how to use Blackboard and more. Remember: Jan. 15 is the last day for adding/dropping courses and it’s also the deadline for requesting needed accommodations from your professors to take a hybrid course online.
- Contact the COVID Support Team for questions or concerns about the COVID-19 protocols. You can call, email or live chat with a member of this team Mon.-Fri. from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
- Reach out for help. If you have concerns, obstacles, or need assistance please reach out to the Dean of Students Office.
Here are the key dates to keep in mind for the spring semester:
Key dates for the spring 2021 semester:
- Jan. 11: Classes start
- Jan. 15: Last day students may drop/add (This is also the deadline for students to contact professors about accommodations to take a hybrid course online)
- Jan. 18: Martin Luther King Jr. Day (holiday)
- Mar. 4 and 5: Spring break
- Mar. 12: Last day to withdraw
- Apr. 21: End of classes
- Apr. 22: Reading day
- Apr. 23-29: Final examinations
Spring Commencement is currently planned for May 8, however that may change due to the pandemic.
More information about the spring semester – for students, faculty and staff – is available on UofL's Coronavirus page here. The page is updated as information changes.
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