UofL provides support for faculty and staff caregiving for loved ones
A new workshop series seeks to provide support for UofL employees, retirees, and their spouses/qualifying adults who are serving as caregivers. January 17, 2014Get Healthy Now and Great Places to Work’s Work-Life Balance Committee collaborated to create the new Caregiving Workshop series. The ten-month series is designed to support those caring for another by providing access to important resources, group support and promoting self-care.
“It’s difficult to find the time to research the issues you’re juggling when you’re always on the go between work and home duties. This series will allow you to take time out of the workday to learn more about resources that can help you provide the best care for your loved ones, including yourself,” said Rachel Howard, co-chair of Great Places to Work Work-Life Balance Committee.
She emphasized the importance of finding outlets for caregivers.
“Hopefully attendees will find common ground with others with similar needs and challenges, further building and strengthening their own support network,” Howard continued. “I think that this sense of community is a hallmark of a great place to work.”
The workshops are intended to be a resource and support group to those who are caring for others including children, grandchildren, parents, relatives, spouses or friends. The organizers have recruited UofL and community experts as speakers on various topics.
“Caregiving is a very demanding and rewarding role, and too often we overlook the importance of supporting the caregivers themselves. Knowing this, we designed this program to provide expertise and resources for those who are seeking tips and strategies to ease the pressures,” said Stephanie Weldy, program coordinator senior, for Get Healthy Now. “We’re grateful to have partnered with UofL’s Great Places to Work Work-Life Balance Committee on this initiative, as they have provided us with a sponsorship to ensure all of the UofL community has access to these workshops.”
Each workshop will be digitally recorded and available online, allowing the information be shared widely. This series is modeled after the very successful ElderCare Workshop Series, which was launched in partnership with the Commission on the Status of Women a few years back.”
The workshops will be held from noon to 12:45 p.m. on the third Tuesday of every month in the Chao Auditorium in Ekstrom Library. Pre-registration is not required. Dates and topics are as follows:
- Jan. 21 - “Navigating the Needs: Caregiving and a System of Support”
- Feb. 18 - “Smarter than the System: Tips for Self-Advocacy”
- March 18 - “Self-Care for the Caregiver”
- April 15 - “Mind the Medical Gap”
- May 20 - “Financial Freedom: Resources that help”
- June 17 - “Legal Issues + Expertise”
- July 15 - “Relationship Dynamics: Endure Change and Challenges”
- Aug. 19 - “Developmental Needs: Hanging with the generations”
- Sep. 16 - “Psychological Needs: What to look for? Who to call?”
- Oct. 21 - “Caregiving with Confidence”
To learn more about the workshops and schedule, call Stephanie Weldy at 852-6549, email ghn@louisville.edu or visit Get Healthy Now at louisville.edu/hr/gethealthynow/community/caregiving