UofL ranked as best college in Kentucky based on statistics from U.S. Department of Education
August 26, 2020Niche.com has ranked the University of Louisville as the best college in Kentucky based on key statistics from the U.S. Department of Education and millions of reviews.
UofL's overall grade averaged an A-. This is based on high scores for athletics (A+), student life, party scene, location and campus food (A) and diversity and professors (A-). UofL also scored a B+ for value, campus and safety.
Five schools scored a B+ average, including the University of Kentucky, Centre College, Berea, Transylvania and Bellarmine.
Niche.com pulls scores from eight sources of data, including a proprietary survey of college students and recent alumni, as well as information pulled directly from colleges. According to a press release, the rankings attempt "to provide a realistic view of the student experience at a specific school."
Niche.com is a website that uses data sets to provide analysis and rankings of U.S. colleges, schools, neighborhoods and companies.
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