UofL senior believes fellow students ‘will positively shape the future of Kentucky and the rest of the world’
November 26, 2019Students decide to attend the University of Louisville for an abundance of reasons, some spending years preparing to be a Card. Reagan Miller’s decision, however, was more serendipitous.
During a campus tour her senior year of high school, Miller saw a student on a scooter fly past her tour group, holding up his L and exclaiming “Go Cards!”
“When you’re touring colleges, you can tell a lot about the school based on the students you see,” said Miller. “I assumed all UofL students were just like this – energetic and perhaps a little silly.”
The serendipity came when Miller found that same student at the end of her tour, but this time, he was performing the song “Only Hope” from “A Walk to Remember” on the piano in the SAC. Coincidentally, Miller had recently performed this song for her senior recital.
“I love this memory because it encompasses the main lesson that UofL has taught me: People hold so much more beauty than first impressions can offer,” said Miller.
Miller subsequently applied to UofL as a major in music therapy, and her decision was solidified when her acceptance letter included a personalized note from the director of admissions at the school of music.
“This personal detail allowed me to feel valued, like I would be more than just a number here at UofL,” said Miller. “I can honestly say that ever since I received that letter, I have continued to feel valued and cared about throughout my college days.”
Since her initial decision to pursue music therapy, Miller changed her major to political science and has made Ford Hall somewhat of a home.
“Each time I walk [into Ford Hall], I encounter the most passionate and brilliant minds that I have ever known,” said Miller. “My classes in this building are challenging, diverse, interesting and relevant. Plus, the building itself is an old house, so it quite literally feels like a home.”
Miller has countless ties to on-campus organizations and programs. She is a member of the Chi Omega sorority and serves as their Greek Sing and Video/Photo Chair. She is the Family Relations Co-Coordinator for the raiseRED Dance Marathon, and this is her third year on the Executive Board. During her freshman year, she served as a Morale Captain. On campus, she is a Cardinal Ambassador and previously served as as a REACH Ambassador, Cardinal Guide and Student Orientation staff member.
Miller has studied Arabic for the past three years, allowing her to participate in UofL’s Arabic Language and Culture Club and the Arabic Conversation Table. She also participated in a musical revue during her sophomore year for the Cardinals for the Appreciation of Musical Theatre.
In October, Miller was named UofL's Homecoming Queen, accepting the crown from President Neeli Bendapudi in the middle of a torrential downpour.
“I was too excited to be distracted by the rain,” said Miller. “To be honest, walking on the court in general was a huge honor that I did not anticipate. I admire Dr. Bendapudi so much as a businessperson, professor, woman, president and friend, so to have her crown me was a moment I will forever treasure so dearly.”
Originally hailing from Bowling Green, Kentucky, Miller will graduate in May with her political science degree. She hopes other students will appreciate UofL like she has.
“I hope that students after me will embrace the beautiful challenges and heaps of confidence that this university has given to me,” she said. “If I had not had older students cheering me on and encouraging me to keep growing and discovering my identity, I would not be the fulfilled person that I am. I hope this cycle of empowerment continues long after my graduation.
UofL students are the students who will positively shape the future of Kentucky and the rest of the world.”
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