UofL sponsors R!L Program at the Kentucky Science Center
October 11, 2019During a follow-up Research!Louisville (R!L) event, UofL sponsored a similar program for 120 students in 7th through 12th grade students interested in alternative science careers. Those students were from Owsley County, JCPS and Spencer counties.
Through a collaborative effort by the University of Louisville, Greater Louisville Medical Society and the Louisville Women in Medicine and Science (L-WIMS), students participated in a variety of health-sciences sessions at the Kentucky Science Center.
Dr. Sara Petruska and two third-year medical students, along with Kevin Martin, director of the Paris Simulation Center, conducted an OB/GYN workshop and demonstration utilizing the Lucina Delivery Mannequin. Petruska serves as the steering committee chair for L-WIMS and also as its designated representative to the Group of Women in Medicine and Science (GWIMS) at the American Association of Medical Colleges (AAMC).
Martin has participated in the R!L program at the Kentucky Science Center for at least three years.
"I always enjoy speaking with future students and having the Science Center as a backdrop is nice," he said.
In addition to the simulator work session, the students participated in a variety of activities, including:
- Galvanized Skin Response (GSR): A reaction demonstration whereby students were connected to a device that monitored their GSR level as they were exposed to both scary and soothing images.
- See Your DNA: Students extracted DNA from their saliva using salt water, dish soap and alcohol.
- Anatomy of Vision: Students were provided visual models and engaged in discussion about visual sciences to learn more about their own vision.
- MakerPlace 3D Pen Cardiac Design-Build: Students were challenged to create a device that could help clear clogged arteries and used 3D pens to connect the "arteries."
- Heart Monitoring Technology: Students were shown the latest in heart-monitoring technology.
External Relations and Communication, HSC Campus
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