UofL supports Fischer’s ‘Give A Day’ week
Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer wants to show that the city is the most caring and compassionate in the world and has set aside the week of April 15-22 for people to make a difference and “Give A Day” to help someone else. March 8, 2012The mayor’s goal is to set a world’s record for volunteering and community service. To help him in this effort, the offices of Civic Engagement and First Year Initiatives encourage all UofL faculty, staff and students to report their volunteer activities or the acts of kindness they do during the week of April 15-22 so that they count toward the mayor’s goal.
According to information from the mayor’s office, a Give A Day activity can be anything from volunteering for a community organization to giving blood, donating food or helping your neighbor. Any act of kindness counts—even mowing grass for an elderly neighbor, giving clothing or blankets or reading to a student.
To report your activity and be counted for the mayor’s initiative, or to get an idea of the volunteer opportunities that are available, go to www.mygiveaday.com.
UofL also tracks community engagement efforts, so don’t forget to let the university know what you’ve done. Send an email with your name, status (student, faculty or staff), department, and brief description of your activity, who or what organization it benefitted and when you did it to Sarah Humphrey.