UofL Theatre presents ‘The Tempest’
Marooned survivors dream of a world of equals where everyone lives in harmony September 10, 2013LOUISVILLE, Ky. –“The Tempest,” a romantic play by William Shakespeare, will be performed by the University of Louisville’s Department of Theatre Arts Sept. 25-29.
The play about shipwrecked kings and fools who learn to temper revenge with mercy will be performed at 8 p.m. nightly plus a matinee at 3 p.m., Sept. 29. All performances are at the Thrust Theatre, 2314 S. Floyd St.
Directed by Rinda Frye, chair of theatre arts, the production includes the entire uncut text. Thought to be Shakespeare’s last play, it also is considered by many to be one of his most enjoyable.
“‘The Tempest’ is a tale of romance, filled with magic, beauty, revenge, repentance and forgiveness,” Frye said. “We have changed the gender of some of characters, which may shift how some roles are played, but not the essence of the play.”
Frye noted that three members of the cast will participate as part of their masters of fine arts degree performance. They are: Kristi Papaillier, who will play Prospera; David Galloway, who takes the role of Caliban; and Ashley Smith, who will play Ariel. The UofL theatre program offers the only graduate degree for performance in Kentucky.
“The audience will be treated to a very acrobatic Ariel who will use aerial silks to simulate flying on stage,” said Frye. “This technique is a technological innovation for American theater and a first for our UofL productions.”
Show tickets are $15 for the general public, $12 for faculty and staff, students and senior citizens. Season ticket for all five productions are also available and are $65 for the general public, $50 for UofL students and employees and people age 65 and over. For tickets and information, call 502-852-6814 or visit louisville.edu/theatrearts/.