We always welcome comments and feedback from past issues. Drop us a line on Facebook (
facebook.com/UniversityofLouisville) or email your comments to
editor@louisville.edu. Here’s what’s on your mind now:
Winter/Spring 2015 Issue
Louie: The birth of a feathered friend
“Thank you for the fabulous Cardinal Bird article! We’re very proud to have a place in the Cardinal Bird lineage. It was a significant time in our lives, filled with wonderful memories. Thank you for the extra gift of the ‘Love Birds’ feature on our 50th anniversary. We are delighted and honored! GO CARDS!
–Sally & Al Poland
“It is with such fond remembrance that I read your feature on The Bird’s history, especially the Cardinal Couples at basketball courtside and Wes Unseld on the court. I wonder if there are any photos of Wes in Mme. Fink’s French Play during the ’60s? Thanks for a great publication!”
–Mary Kay Kemble, 67A
Your feedback
“I’ve graduated from three schools from which I receive alumni magazines (UICC BA 82, UMKC MS 86 and UL AA 95.) Yours is the best!!!”
–Val Indzers, 95A
“Since you ask for feedback: Please consider the dominance of the male image in this issue. Nothing notable for women throughout the magazine.
[Also,] we are graduates of UL, now retired. We have lived in many cities throughout the U.S. Most of those cities have universities or colleges offering, and proudly advertising, “lifelong learning” for senior citizens. We have returned to Louisville and are interested in what UL has planned for seniors wishing to continue learning.”
–Tom & Nancy Marshall, 61A
From the Editor: Thank you for voicing your concerns regarding diversity in recent issues of this magazine. Our goal is to depict campus life as it was in the past and as it is currently, which means we always strive to accurately reflect our university’s diverse student and alumni population. Please do not hesitate to let us know about any specific topics that may interest you, and we will be more than happy to consider them for future issues.
Regarding your interest in senior learning opportunities, UofL indeed has a Lifelong Learning program! We offer dozens of in-person classes and hundreds of online classes. Please visit
Louisville.edu/lifelonglearning or call 502-852-6456 for more information.