Witness to history

Workshop offers tips on interviewing, preserving oral accounts September 23, 2010

LOUISVILLE, Ky. — There’s more to preserving oral history than just turning on a recorder and letting somebody start talking. An Oct. 8 oral history workshop at the University of Louisville will share resources and the proper methods for achieving and saving those personal accounts for posterity.

UofL’s Arts and Culture Partnerships Initiative will present the 10 a.m.-3 p.m. workshop at Ekstrom Library and the University Club.

The morning session in Ekstrom Library’s Chao Auditorium is “How to Conduct an Oral History Interview” with presenters Tracy K'Meyer, history department chair and co-director of UofL’s Oral History Center, and Carrie Daniels, associate professor with the UofL Archives and Record Center.

The noon luncheon speech about “Beyond the Raw and the Cooked: Oral History in the 21st Century” will be in the University Club. The speaker will be Michael Fritsch, professor and senior research scholar in American studies at The State University of New York-Buffalo. Fritsch is author of “A Shared Authority: Essays on the Craft and Meaning of Oral and Public History.”

Fritsch will be moderator of an afternoon discussion of “The State of Oral History in Kentucky.” Panelists will be K'Meyer, Daniels and Sarah Milligan of the Kentucky Historical Society’s Oral History Commission.

Registration deadline is Oct. 1 for the event; the $25 fee includes lunch. Checks payable to University of Louisville can be sent to Janna Tajibaeva, 320 Gardiner Hall, University of Louisville, Louisville, Ky. 40292

For more information, contact Tajibaeva at 502-852-2247 or janna@louisville.edu