Workers to check for more energy savings

Physical Plant and Siemens Industry Inc. workers soon will visit more than 20 sites on UofL’s Belknap and Health Sciences campuses to see if the university could benefit by extending a long-term project to reap millions of dollars in energy savings. July 2, 2014

UofL and Siemens launched a $21.7 million initiative in 2009 to save energy on the university’s three campuses. Since then, the scope of the project has expanded to $46.2 million and two phases have been completed.

Workers have installed more efficient lighting, updated heating and cooling systems and found ways to cut water use in 88 campus buildings with a total area of 6.2 million square feet.

Energy savings are paying for the improvements. UofL has saved $12.8 million since the project began, and the university’s baseline utility costs dropped more than 28 percent from November 2012 to December 2013, said Mitchell Payne, interim business affairs vice president.

“We’ve helped UofL save a lot of money through this initiative and become much more energy efficient at the same time,” Payne said. “Now we want to review additional areas to see if we can save even more through a possible third phase of the project.”

Workers doing the review will visit Papa John’s Cardinal Stadium, Cardiovascular Innovation Institute, Miller Information Technology Center, the area outside Swain Student Activities Center and more than a dozen other locations.


“We’ll be working mostly in mechanical rooms at the beginning,” Payne said, adding that anyone with questions about the project can call him at (502) 852-5155.