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President Postel engages employees to identify budget priorities

February 22, 2018

UofL’s interim president Greg Postel spent more than an hour answering employees’ questions about the budget Thursday in the first of two forums aimed at helping his administrative team identify priorities for 2018-19 and beyond.

raiseRED: UofL students talk about why they dance

February 21, 2018

Eighteen hours is a long time to dance, but UofL students are ready to make the commitment to try and raise $550,000 for pediatric cancer research. 

UofL leading nationwide efforts to improve care for people with intellectual/developmental disabilities

February 21, 2018

At one time, people with intellectual/developmental disabilities (IDD) were mostly children. Thanks to medical advances and the deinstitutionalization movement, the number of adults living in the community with IDD has grown dramatically.