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Methods of CPR training vary among U.S. high schools, study by UofL doctor finds

November 21, 2017

While CPR instruction in high school is required by law in a growing number of states, there is no standard method of implementation, according to a study by a University of Louisville doctor published this week in the Journal of the American Coll

Kentucky offers specialty license plate supporting Alzheimer’s Association

November 21, 2017

License plates supporting the Alzheimer’s Association are available for purchase in Kentucky, making the Bluegrass the first in the United States to offer a specialty plate for Alzheimer’s.

UofL researchers discover key signaling protein for muscle growth that may enhance therapies for cancer, muscular dystrophy

November 20, 2017

Researchers at UofL have discovered that a well-known protein, myeloid differentiation primary response gene 88 (MyD88), is a critical factor in the development and regeneration of muscles.