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UofL employee’s daughter to be crowned Queen of the Kentuckiana Heart Walk
September 19, 2017
The UofL community has been working for months to raise money for the Kentuckiana Heart Walk, an annual event sponsored by the American Heart Association to raise funds for research, education and advocacy for heart disease and stroke.
Debt-free education a benefit of UofL, UPS partnership
September 19, 2017
There are more than 22,000 students attending UofL and at least 1,100 of them have a shot at graduating debt-free. That’s because these particular students are a part of the Metropolitan College.
News Releases
University of Louisville names Alumnus of the Year
September 18, 2017
LOUISVILLE, Ky. — The CEO of one Louisville’s family-run companies is the latest recipient of the highest honor bestowed by the University of Louisville Alumni Association.