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UofL movie series concludes with ‘The Lego Batman Movie’
August 1, 2017
LOUISVILLE, Ky. – “The Lego Batman Movie” is the final film this season for Cards Under the Stars, UofL’s free, outdoor summer movie series.
Dental check-ups, part of back-to-school routine
July 31, 2017
Buying school supplies is one of many important tasks on the to-do list when preparing kids for a successful 2017-18 school year. Getting health check-ups, including dental screenings or exams, also should top the list.
News Releases
Dental check-ups, part of Back-to-School routine
July 31, 2017
Buying school supplies is one of many important tasks on the to-do list when preparing kids for a successful 2017-18 school year. Getting health check-ups, including dental screenings or exams also should top the list.