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UofL violence prevention center shares campaign, ideas at national peace rally

June 29, 2017

Staff members from the University of Louisville Youth Violence Prevention Research Center (YVPRC) were invited to be part of a national rally for peace in New Orleans on June 29.

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UofL violence prevention center to share campaign at national peace rally in New Orleans

June 29, 2017

LOUISVILLE, Ky. – Staff members from the University of Louisville Youth Violence Prevention Research Center (YVPRC) have been invited to be part of a national rally for peace in New Orleans today.

Interviews with archivist, former councilman Tom Owen donated to University Libraries

June 29, 2017

Insights from UofL Libraries Archivist Tom Owen – a man Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer calls the "unofficial mayor of Louisville" – are preserved in a series of interviews donated recently to the University Libraries.