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Annual Knock Out Stroke event May 12 at Muhammad Ali Center
April 17, 2017
Kentucky residents suffer stroke at rates among the highest in the nation. Factors increasing the risk of stroke include high blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoking and African American and Native American ethnicity.
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Hite Art Institute holds exhibition for first graduates of Master of Fine Arts program
April 17, 2017
LOUISVILLE, Ky. — The Hite Art Institute will present the 2017 Master of Fine Arts (MFA) Thesis Exhibition April 25-May 27 in the Cressman Center for Visual Arts.
UofL study examining effects of coal ash exposure on children
April 17, 2017
Understanding whether children who live closer to coal ash storage sites and power plants have greater neurobehavioral disorders than children who live further away is the focus of a University of Louisville study funded by the National Institute