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Delivering health care through a new lens: smart glasses

April 30, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to the expansion of telemedicine, and as part of that expansion, faculty at the University of Louisville are piloting new smart glasses for advanced delivery of health care.

UofL professor helps identify 66 million-year-old 'crazy beast' fossil from Madagascar

April 29, 2020

Several years ago, Guillermo Rougier, PhD, professor in the Department of Anatomical Sciences and Neurobiology at UofL, was approached by David Krause, PhD, curator at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science, to he

UofL drum major plans virtual performance of 'My Old Kentucky Home' on what would have been Derby Day

April 29, 2020

Although the flowers are still in bloom and the grass has turned that signature blue-ish green, things are no doubt different this year.