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The first Beer with a Scientist for 2020 features a non-scientist’s guide to cutting-edge biomedical research tools

January 15, 2020

You may have heard about breakthroughs in medical research such as CRISPR, a technology that allows scientists to edit genes, or the microbiota, the bugs that live in and on us and are getting the credit and blame for any number of health conditio

Our World, Our Say: Hite exhibition showcases photography of Vietnam youth affected by HIV

January 15, 2020

The 70 photographs hanging now in Schneider Hall Galleries range from colorful, flowering trees to sorrowful, shocking images of drug use and sexual exploitation.

UofL's Conn Center partners with local company to mine diamonds above ground

January 14, 2020

A technological marvel is happening in Kentucky – growing diamonds above ground using reactors that mimic what happens in Mother Nature over a million years, but in a much more controlled environment.