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UofL Magazine

Rise and shine

June 28, 2018

There’s an undeniable energy that follows Neeli Bendapudi wherever she goes. Everyone who meets her notices it. You feel it the second she walks into a room, greeting as many people as she can with a handshake, a hello and a huge smile.

UofL Magazine

Out of the shadows

She could be the girl next door. With strawberry blonde hair and a lightly freckled face, Cotie is 26 but could pass for half-a-dozen years younger.

UofL Magazine

For the love of the games

June 28, 2018

When you think of UofL sports, a few specific images may come to mind: our basketball teams balling in the KFC Yum! Center, the football team kicking off at Papa John’s Cardinal Stadium or our swim and track stars racing to NCAA titles.