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UofL student startups pitch 3-D printed prototypes

November 29, 2016

Students in the University of Louisville’s new 3-D Printing Business Incubator spent the past semester designing and prototyping new products. On Dec. 5, they will have the chance to pitch their innovations to potential investors. 

Red and blue collaborate for a better Kentucky, nation, world

November 21, 2016

On the football field this Saturday, it will be Red versus Blue, the Cardinals battling the Wildcats, the Ville going against Big Blue Nation.

New robotic device to boost balance in spinal cord injury patients at UofL

October 24, 2016

Spinal cord injury researchers at the University of Louisville pioneered activity-based interventions that have helped individuals with spinal cord injury improve mobility. The addition of epidural stimulation to the lumbosacral spinal cord has al