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UofL professor helps identify 66 million-year-old 'crazy beast' fossil from Madagascar
April 29, 2020
Several years ago, Guillermo Rougier, PhD, professor in the Department of Anatomical Sciences and Neurobiology at UofL, was approached by David Krause, PhD, curator at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science, to he
UofL developing robot to disinfect areas with coronavirus risk
April 24, 2020
Many doctors, nurses, EMTs and other health care workers have risked infection while fighting the coronavirus pandemic. But researchers at the University of Louisville think they have a solution that could help reduce that risk.
UofL launches decontamination program to alleviate mask shortage for health care workers
April 23, 2020
Health care workers and first responders put their own health at risk every time they come face-to-face with someone who has – or may have – COVID-19. Often, the only thing between these workers and the virus is an N95 respirator.