News: Science & Tech

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Commonwealth of Kentucky launches initiative to test healthcare workers for immunity and establish top plasma donor pool

April 15, 2020

The Commonwealth of Kentucky, in collaboration with the University of Louisville Christina Lee Brown Envirome Institute and the Louisville Healthcare CEO Council, is launching a groundbreaking initiative with three large Kentucky hospital systems

UofL researchers seek new drugs to fight coronavirus using computers in Kentucky schools

April 9, 2020

The coronavirus may have K-12 students in Kentucky’s school districts learning at home, but researchers at the University of Louisville are using the computing power of thousands of computers in classrooms across the state to identify drugs to tre

Speed School's 3-D printers put to unexpected uses during coronavirus outbreak

April 6, 2020

When Lowe Elementary School Technology Coordinator Lyn Travis attended a two-day workshop about 3-D printing earlier this month through the University of Louisville’s Speed School of Engineering, she had no idea she would be employing her new skil