News: Science & Tech

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Engineering students show off product designs like smart toilets

June 11, 2019

JB Speed School of Engineering students are developing products that will, ideally, one day be used and sold by companies.

Beer with a Scientist: How plans for a trip to Mars bring home our dependence on Earth’s environment

June 10, 2019

At a recent workshop at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to discuss health risks associated with a potential manned mission to Mars, it became clear just how vitally we humans depend on our Earth’s environment.

UofL teams up with Humana Foundation, Interapt to launch community tech training program

May 29, 2019

The Humana Foundation, Interapt and the University of Louisville are partnering to bring a paid, immersive training program that teaches high-demand IT skills to the underemployed and unemployed in the Louisville community.