UofL named NSF site for student researchers

April 8, 2016
Eight students from other college campuses will be spending this summer at the University of Louisville, doing research and learning about UofL’s Micro/Nanotechnology facilities and programs. UofL has received a three year, $374,000 National Science Foundation (NSF) grant to host the college students who are interested in Micro/Nanotechnology and STEM disciplines. The Research  Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program will “give students research opportunities at UofL they couldn’t find at their own campus”, according to MNTC director Kevin Walsh. Walsh says students apply for spots in the 10-week summer program, with UofL faculty and staff picking the participants. The students will be developing a research project with a UofL faculty mentor, working in the Clean Room at the Shumaker Research Building, learning technical writing for journal publication and attending seminars on critical thinking. The goal of the national program is to get more students interested in pursuing graduate degrees in science, technology, engineering or math. UofL is one of more than 600 REU sites.