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A spirited journey: UofL student blends chemistry, distilling into career path
October 9, 2017
Chemical engineering senior Katherine Grace O’Nan has an inside joke with her dad. It goes like this: one day they will open a microbrewery together. She will handle all the chemistry and her beer-loving dad will handle all the tasting.
UofL honors remarkable nurses at 4th annual Nightingale Awards
October 9, 2017
They’ve made their marks across the state, from addressing the needs of drug-addicted pregnant women to bringing health education and care to a remote Mennonite community.
Middle and high school students get a glimpse of medical school
October 9, 2017
Almost 200 Kentuckiana middle and high school students enjoyed a first-hand look at what medical school is like at the Kentucky Science Center on Sept. 13.